Why Heirloom Vegetables?!
Shortly after starting up my biz, I became obsessed with heirloom varieties of vegetables and flowers. They have after all, passed the tests of time! Heirloom varieties (by definition) are descendant generations of seed that trace back to before the 1960s. They have been bred for their unique flavour, appearance and are often naturally pest resistant!
So why don’t the supermarket chains stock them?
While some might think these vegetables aren’t pretty enough.. ☹ commercially grown vegetables usually have other criteria to meet…
Transportation is a big factor, for example how would the big supers sell crates of tomatoes that were crushed in transit? Solution.. tomatoes with firm skin. Uniformity is another factor, while heirloom vegetables can be bright and colourful, they are more often very variable. Also, while most are stunning and unique, some are ugly-beautiful.. (you know what I mean pug owners 😉) Solution.. Supermarket snobbery.
These commercial practicalities have prevented us from experiencing some of the most delicious and unusual vegetables. I want to share them with you so I’ve include them in many of my products. I’ve also found that there are very few Australian growers of heirloom seeds so have started growing my own (stay tuned)!
Now, I of course want to sell you ALL of the products but will share a little secret with you.. Unlike vegetables grown from commercial hybrid seed lines (which will rarely produce viable seeds); you can harvest the seeds from your heirloom vegetables/plants and keep growing these little gems for years to come! shh don’t tell everyone!
So if this isn’t enough to convince you how amazing heirloom varieties are, head over to our socials to see some of these stunning vegetables, better yet, purchase one of our garden kits to grow and taste them for yourself!
Happy Gardening!
A Pocket full of seeds